
Este domingo en DEL MAR 11 competencias como siempre bien atractivas y donde la calidad de los animales en cada carrera es excelente, vamos con nuestras selecciones.

1ra carrera 9 ELLIE MOORE: esta potra debutó en Irlanda llegando 2da en una pista anormal, ahora reaparece y viene 7 aprontes lista para esta competencia, su ultimo ejercicio 800-46,4R12,1 cómoda, el lote parece ser manejable para ella y su trainer tiene 21% ganado con sus animales cuando tienen +90 días descanso.

7ma carrera 1 CALIFORNIA TIGER: Este caballo viene con 7 aprontes y su condición física es óptima, su última carrera donde llega 2do lo avala para ganar esta competencia y de forma fácil, su Índice de Velocidad es el más elevado del grupo.

This Sunday at DEL MAR, there are 11 races, as always, highly attractive, with excellent quality animals in each race. Let’s go with our selections.

1st race – #9 ELLIE MOORE: This filly made her debut in Ireland, finishing 2nd on an abnormal track. Now, she returns and has had 7 workouts, fully prepared for this competition. Her latest workout was 800 meters in 46.4 seconds with a final furlong in 12.1 seconds, showing comfort. The field seems manageable for her, and her trainer has a 21% win rate with animals that have had +90 days of rest.

7th race – #1 CALIFORNIA TIGER: This horse comes with 7 workouts, and his physical condition is excellent. His last race, where he finished 2nd, supports his chances to win this competition easily. He has the highest Speed Index in the group.

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