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Vamos con nuestros PICKS para este día sábado en DEL MAR, un total de 11 carreras se estarán llevando a cabo y seguiremos con los ganadores.

2c5 RAKASSAH: Yegua que viene con 12 briseos totalmente bajada de agrupación, se mantiene en excelente condición y con la monta de JESSICA PYFER debe ser la ganadora en un lote que es manejable para ella.

6c10 PRETTY RENA: Esta yegua viene de buena carrera llegando 2da perdiéndose en 71.1 y peleando toda la carrera, ella viene con 7 aprontes de manera excelente y aquí debe tomar la punta y en este recorrido de 5 ½ furlongs debe ganar.


Let’s go with our PICKS for this Saturday at DEL MAR, a total of 11 races will be taking place, and we’ll continue with the winners.

2c5 RAKASSAH: This filly comes with 12 solid workouts, a significant drop in class, and she remains in excellent condition. With JESSICA PYFER aboard, she should be the winner in a field that is manageable for her.

6c10 PRETTY RENA: This mare comes from a good race, finishing 2nd, only losing by 71.1 and fighting throughout the race. She has 7 excellent workouts leading up to this race, and in this 5 ½ furlongs distance, she should take the lead and win.

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